Empowerment Academy, Inc.
900 Cesery Blvd, Suite 118
Jacksonville, FL 32211
Office 904-900-8391 Fax 904-309-9935
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
Services to Students
Academic Enrichment
Intensive Math/Reading/Science Instruction
Diploma Audits
Homework Assistance
Literacy Remediation
Personal Enrichment
College and Career Readiness
Character Education Workshops
Personal Safety and Nutrition workshops
Cooking Demonstrations
Outdoor Activities
Program Day
Each day students receive a nutritious snack and academic instruction that incorporates Project Based Learning(PBL) experiences, school day extension activities, and Study Island’s research-based curricula specifically tailored to Common Core and Florida Standards.
Additionally, students receive a daily allotment for personal enrichment activities focused on physical and social wellness and a daily allotment of student choice time.
Prescribed afterschool activities are offered to expose students to educational concepts designed to improve their academic and wellness outcomes. These improved outcomes translate to better grades, attendance, and assessment performance, which are all factors that impact dropout and graduation rates.
Target Schools
EA’s priority objective is to serve 50 students from Jean Ribault Middle School and William M. Raines High School. Both schools are Title 1 with over 65% of the students receiving free/reduced lunch.
EA’s target population is 6th-12th grade students in low to moderate income households, attending one of the listed schools. However, middle and high school students from private schools in the area, may be admitted into the program on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Services to Families
Family and Economic Support
Conflict Resolution
Anger Management
Employability Skills
Financial Literacy
Family Empowerment
Personal Enrichment
Computer Literacy
Reading Literacy
Personal Safety and Nutrition workshops